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Key Information


Starting School

As an academy, the Academy Trust is the admissions authority for the school. The academy adheres to the Admissions and Appeals Code of Practice and uses the Lincolnshire coordinated scheme for admissions to offer available places. Parents of children seeking admission to the Reception Year must make an application through the coordinated system operated by Lincolnshire County Council. We also use this system for mid-year applications and applications for places within other year groups.

Children are admitted into the school’s EYFS Class for their Reception Year in the September following their fourth birthday up to the school’s admission limit of 60 (PAN).

Oversubscription criteria for Reception:

In accordance with the 1996 Education Act, the allocation of school places for children with a statement of special educational needs will take place first.

Following this, the oversubscription criteria below are listed in order:

  • Looked after children and all previously looked after children.
  • Children with a brother or sister at the Academy who will still be attending when the child is due to start or on who are on roll at the Academy at the time of application.
  • Proximity to the Academy (according to the child’s main residents), measured by straight-line distance.
  • If the proximity criterion is not sufficient to distinguish between two or more applicants for the last remaining place then a lottery will be drawn by an independent person, not employed by the Academy or working in the Children’s Services Department at the Local Authority.

Parents have the right to appeal if a place at the school cannot be offered.

Please visit for more details or to make an application.

If parents would like to look round the Academy before making an application or have any queries on admissions, please feel free to contact the Academy direct.

The Academy’s Admissions Policy can be viewed here.

Find your nearest school – Lincolnshire County Council.


Following National Offer Day, parents will be able to log all block appeals via the appeal form on the LCC website and LCC will then forward the appeals to schools to process.

This will also be forwarded to legal services for scheduling with an independent panel.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact school admissions at:

More information can be found at

We are part of the Voyage Education Partnership

Voyage Education Partnership Venture House, Enterprise Way Boston, Lincolnshire, PE21 7TW