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At Boston Pioneers Academy, we aim to instil a love for writing by developing students into thoughtful readers and creative writers. Our engaging, book-based curriculum immerses learners in diverse literary genres.

To address gaps in knowledge, we have embedded The Place Value of Punctuation and Grammar (PVPG) into our teaching. This approach explicitly teaches sentence structure, building a strong foundation for cohesive, confident writing.

Our mission is to equip children with the skills to comprehend and produce written content for varied audiences and purposes. By mastering writing essentials, learners develop critical thinking, effective communication, and clarity in expression.

Writing Implementation

  • Transcription: Reception learners develop fine motor skills through activities like ‘dough disco,’ progressing to Nelson Handwriting for letter formation and joining.
  • Hook into the Unit: Lessons begin with engaging activities, sparking curiosity and creativity.
  • Read as a Reader and Writer: Learners analyse text structure and language, focusing on purpose, audience, form, and tone.
  • Modelled, Shared, and Guided Writing: Writing is taught through demonstrations, collaboration, and targeted support, ensuring a gradual release to independence.
  • Planning: Students structure ideas and align their writing with success criteria for clarity and coherence.
  • Drafting and Grammar: Learners focus on spelling, punctuation, and grammar, with additional sessions provided as needed.
  • Proofread, Revise, Edit, and Publish: Students refine their work through feedback and celebrate achievements by publishing their writing in various forms.

The Place Value of Punctuation and Grammar

We have adopted Grammarsaurus' Place Value of Punctuation and Grammar (PVPG) to provide a clear, structured approach to teaching sentence construction. PVPG breaks down the fundamental components of sentences, helping children understand the "building blocks" of writing. This method addresses gaps in knowledge by explicitly teaching essential grammar and punctuation skills, ensuring learners develop a strong foundation for cohesive and confident writing. 

Our Writing Long-Term Plan can be viewed below.

Should you require any additional information or have any enquiries, please do not hesitate to reach out to our English lead, Joanna Hayford, at the following email:

We are part of the Voyage Education Partnership

Voyage Education Partnership Venture House, Enterprise Way Boston, Lincolnshire, PE21 7TW